Core competencies
This page lists the competencies I developed for the core classes in my MS ICT program. Each competency is linked to one or more artifacts. These artifacts are a combination of research papers, multimedia presentations, and e-learning objects that exhibit my skills in design, development, data, and learning technologies.
ICT 701: ICT in Organizations
Cloud-based E-Learning Research
Analyze the impacts of current learning technologies in enterprise organizations.
ICT 710: Learning Technologies
Responsive E-learning Research
Analyze learning technology trends in instructional design.
ICT 710: Learning Technologies
Responsive E-learning Course
Design and develop an e-learning course deliverable on multiple ICT systems.
ICT 732: Technology Futures
Mobile Learning Framework Forecast
Forecast mobile technology trends for online learning.
ICT 733: Technology Adoption and Implications
Learning Technologies Capstone Research
Make actionable recommendations to improve the use of learning technologies within an organization.